Promote Your Own Landing Page

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Promote Your Own Landing Page

New threads seem to pop up weekly for "New URL Shortening Service." Most of these seem to be a glorified content locker, as they have many hoops for users to navigate. Many are a page full of ads, popup windows, timers to wait for, and security features to complete.

Why not create and promote a landing page with your own ads and cut our the middleman? You can easily create a blog on blogspot or WordPress, make a few pages and apply for AdSense. If you can't use AdSense, look for other options or apply to native ad networks.

Hint - apply to the same ad networks that are used by any URL Shortening Service.

Set a timer to display a button to a Chrome Extension or an Affiliate Offer. Add a direct link from PropellerAds or other ad network as a "popup" window. You now have a landing page, instead of a URL Shortening Service that may never pay you.  

Promote your landing page as you would a URL shortener.